
Steve asked a great question about uploading photos to Cincopa from an iPhone. His question is in response to this post: “How-To: Photo gallery using Cincopa-Wordpress-iPhone-Autostitch”. Steve asked, “How did you upload your photos from your iPhone to your Cincopa gallery? Is there an app for that?” Here is my response, FWIW… Heh, good question, […]


HOW-TO: Publish a photo gallery to WordPress using your iPhone

[UPDATE Aug 2013: I’ve now stopped using Cincopa and am experimenting with other image gallery tools. Stay tuned for an updated post!] In order to expand the media resources I can share through a variety of websites, I’m experimenting with a few new tools, and thought I’d share the journey with you! I should point […]


HOW-TO: Photo Gallery using Cincopa, WordPress, iPhone, AutoStitch…

HOW-TO: Make a web-based photo gallery using Cincopa and WordPress, with a bonus: how to create panorama photos using just an iPhone and the AutoStitch App!