
Make a PDF Package in Seconds!

Ever have the struggle of combining multiple PDFs into one complete file? Well, Apple now gives us a way to do it in only a couple of clicks that only take a second or two to complete! Here’s what you do. Pre-Step One: Organize the files you want to combine into a single folder so […]


Three Massive Timesavers Using Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

So, if you like to churn out stuff as fast as you can, like me, and get tired of switching from keyboard to mouse/trackpad and back again all the time, here are three great (I would say “essential!”) keyboard shortcuts that work on Macs with Canadian (probably also American and British) English keyboard layouts that […]


HOW-TO: Quickly add a file to your Kindle iOS App

Say you are working on the ebook of your dreams, and your agent sends you a draft copy of your work-in-progress so you can see what it looks like on your iPad. There are several methods for getting it into your Kindle App, but if you need to access your new .mobi (Kindle format) file […]


How to Connect CustomPress Custom Post Types to Gravity Forms

So you want to create a system in your WordPress site where people (possibly only those with a selected registration level on your site, but that’s a separate topic) are able to fill out a form and submit a post for publication on your site. Say you want to: run a photo contest and let […]


Media is Dead. Long Live Media!

The opinion in this article (also see link, below) is so obvious to me as to cause me to think, “Why even write about it?!” Who uses Yellow Pages anymore? Who watches commercial-laden TV at air time anymore? Who listens to ad-supported radio instead of iTunes Radio or Spotify? Who reads direct mail flyers? And […]


Time to delete your “admin” login and beef up your passwords

Hey Everyone, If you have a WordPress installation, you’ve probably heard about the mega-attack some jokers (trolls) have coordinated via an army of about 90,000 bots, probably computers they’ve infected with undesirable code and now control. If you haven’t, you should know about it. There are a few great posts out there on what to […]